Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Gifts in Gratitude

November is marked by colorful leaves, falling temperatures, an abundance of turkey-related products at the supermarket and the varied modes giving thanks takes. Recently online, I've seen groups of people daily enumerating the things in their lives for which they are grateful. From sentimental to sublime, folks are counting their lucky stars for their spouses, a warm home to return to after a busy day, a full refrigerator, health and autonomy, even a close parking space at the crowded Target on a rainy Saturday. These sentiments are not meant to be a Pollyanna approach to dismissing or minimizing the suffering that goes on in our world everyday. Rather, they are a reminder that there is, indeed, a yin and yang to our lives, times when we are deep in shadow countered with periods of lightness and grace. Being conscious of our blessings will never negate the losses and sadness that mark some days. But those bright spots do provide us with an opportunity to connect with grace, to be reminded that good and love and hope are around us if we choose to look for them. Some days we may need to look long and hard to find the glimmers of sweetness. They may appear hidden deep in the loam, barely visible save for the one small glint that we catch only if the light is right. Or they may appear as evident as a gold star on a spelling test. Resilience is found in remembering to grasp the good, risking the reaching. By training our eyes to view life through the lens of gratitude, we discover, like the many-hued leaves at our feet, gifts unending.


  1. "Viewing life through the leans of gratitude" - A great message, thank you!

    1. Thanks for reading, and your feedback! I welcome any ideas or topics for future blog posts. Thanks again!
